I just saw that aznr.net is finally translating their own news! Therefore, I shall stop this immature-ness of "war". SEE wasn't that easy? I don't just go around accusing people unless I see it as a problem. So, if you don't like it, don't mess with our stuff. Just mind your own business and we mind ours. Extremely simple.
I hope you keep up your translating and don't 'borrow' our translations. Then we won't have problems. Face it. Translating your own work, more people appreciate you! We all just want to read the news.
Thank you all for supporting, making this more humorous and making our lives less boring. Thank you.
We will end it off here. I don't hold grudges for too long.
Good Luck AZNR.net! I'm sure you can get by very well without us.
LOL, this makes me laugh so hard. War? What war? The thing is, she's apparently too thick or refused to realize that she had absolutely NO CASE to begin with. Maybe she just choose to conveniently ignore all those "EVIDENCE" against her stupid, ridiculous accusations.
SEE wasn't that easy? I don't just go around accusing people unless I see it as a problem.
Yeah, you don't just go around accusing people unless you see a problem of someone doing her job much better than you?
This is what you call denial. Refusal to accept that she was wrong, and now she's come to back down with this lame remark.
"Borrow" your translation? Wait a minute, so now I'm "borrowing" instead of "copying," huh? What's the matter, realized your case is too weak to sustain the "copying" allegation?
I stress, I wouldn't even dream of reading, let alone "borrow" it. The quality of the translations is so horrendous that I have to waste more time to actually guess all the meaning correctly.
Look at the accuser's translation: Poorly worded phrase like
She also defends Kevin Cheng, she said that he's leading this week and it will be gradually carried out later, Netizens do not have to rush now to criticize him yet
Leading what? Leading the criticisms? Leading the pack of mad dogs like yourself? Or leading as the main character in the scene?QUOTE
and it will be gradually carried out later
It? What's the "It"? All I can think of is Stephen King's IT. Carry out what? Carry out murder? Carry out blind accusations?=================
So, if I actually copied HER translations, not only do I have to rephrase, reword and fix grammar, I also have to find out and guess the meaning of her translation! Lots of extra work for ME! Why would I copy something of so low quality?
And, you don't hold grudges, but I do! Of course, who likes being accused blindly and wrongly? What, you think you can get away with that, and also sending your dogs to come spamming and disturbing our peace? So until you apologize, the world is going to see how idiotic your actions were.
Not to mention some of those members (I have a good idea whom they are) are resorting to desperate attempts to spam my shoutbox with childish insults. This is what happens when one can't come up with logical reasoning and rely on stupid insults that even a five-year-old can do. Maybe they find it too challenging to come up with a decent comeback instead of just barking around like mad dogs.
Anyway, she can say all she want, but it is evident there was no war to begin with. The world can see how stupid her "case" is, as more and more people come to my blog. If she had any decency at all, she should apologize for blindly and wrongly accusing people without any proof.